What..? you would deprive these tykes of the opportunity
to be harvested by their local, state, national and intl purveyors of shiny trinkets?! -- clever machines artfully designed to Fill All Time; meant to keep their attention span short, their desire for gratification instant, above all: to maintain their individual-$$ tithes flowing to --> the Interested Parties?
Why would a kid want to find out about valence? when s/he can replay Who Shot Liberty Valance endlessly, effortlessly - while simultaneously plugged-in to the latest variation on an atavistic drum riff, likely in a loop (who could tell). And all: ever such s o o t h i n g . . . repetition as becomes Habit.
Do you mean to destroy the incomes, aspirations for Second Homes/boats/UAVs of all those tireless hawkers of the devices which.. can free a young mind of All Difficult Work, henceforth?
Fie on thee, antiCapitalist lackey!
Knowest thee Not.. the Ends to which thy daily jobs are directed, within those utterly Econ-Efficient orgs? They who cleanest thy cubicles, reformulate thy Human Relations and create Professional Meetings in order to fill thee with similar Aspirations..
You would frustrate *their* desires??
Information is more dangerous than cannon to a society ruled by lies.
--James M Dakin