If you've been following the storyline on ubersoft.net
[link|http://www.websnark.com/archives/2007/03/i_think_jim_bre.html|Here's] the blog entry that started it. It's one of those that will prompt a YPB from Ashton, a WTF from us Linux and Mac users, and maybe a defense from a Microsoft or two. Oh, and Norman won't be able to visit it because his security program will tell him it's a phishing site that he's not allowed to visit (talk about a WTF moment).
I went to the link one corespondent provided, after she mentioned that she went to report me as, you know, a blog and not a phishing site and the response said I would need to go to their form to tell them as the owner of the site that... um... we're a blog and not a phishing site.
So I went.
And discovered that the form will not render on a Macintosh running Firefox.