..It's rather worth checking who his guests are, each time - he's a nonpareil interviewer.
Interesting.. both agreed upon the magnitude of the debacle, pretty close agreement on just When it went to an increasingly [-] glide slope: when that fool Bremer was sent by those fools Wolfie et al -- to create a mini-US fiefdom / release all those armed forces into Unemployment, etc.
Asked by Charlie, "~WHY!? [did they Do that] ...
Newt looks lugubrious, repeats, "I just don't know ... I just Don't Know."
A difference: Madeleine sees nada but open-ended pain & suffering (as could not be guesstimated - for a period equally incalculable) whereas Newt thinks We Be So Powerful that.. "while there may be a period of [forget what word he used ~~ 'wasted inactivity?]" ..it will only be a blip in the Long March of [unstoppable?][Murican] Progress.
Yup, the heart of a neoconman still rattles about in that author of The Contract On America, all unSpeakably salivatin about a Chance in '08
cha. ch
Six hundred sixty-six More days of anti-Leadership to go ?? (per Alex)
Jeez that's 15,984 hours in which to plant zombies in every govt. position and package the tons of $100 bills to be hauled off by Buds-of-Shrub.
No wonder there's an upsurge in the dissemination of (the more..) mindless computer games - to legions who never previously indulged. Anything to evade hearing yan hour of Shrubbish, as each atrocity gets investigated ...
So then - I'm thinking of building a 666' model of RMS Titanic in the field, out of \ufffd" ceramic tiles.. including movable / rearrangeable deck chairs + a finely detailled model of the guy in the crow's nest ... so detailed, in fact - that you can See that he wasn't issued a pair of binoculars. (I'll take the liberty of making his physiognomy a lot like that of a certain smirking chimp - for Authenticity's sake.)