I've got Crossover Mac
It's out of beta and it works fine for what I need. Like you there's only one Winders app I need for work but unlike you it's not IE.
I've run IE6 on Crossover for Linux, though, with no problems.
Just tried to snag a copy of IE6 for download at microsoftDOTcom and only IE7 is available and that's only to REAL WINDOWS USERS. (Validation required.)
I can test it if you like if you can get me a copy of the installer.
Tom Sinclair
Rube: You like spaghetti, George? I like spaghetti. I like board games. I like grabbing a trifecta with that longshot on top. That ozone smell you get from air purifiers. And I like knowing the space between my ears is immeasurable. Mahler's first, Bernstein conducting. You've got to think about all the things you like and decide whether they're worth sticking around for. And if they are, you'll find a way to do this.
George: And what if I don't?
Rube: Then you go away, and you don't get to like anything anymore.
- Dead Like Me