Should be simple enough
get an old DC10 or something, and seal every hole in it so that it is airtight. Then just rip out the seats, and stuff and put in computers and other stuff. Then add on a rocket to the back of it where the cargo space used to be, and use some of the free space that used to be passinger areas as fuel tanks for the rocket.
It takes off like an airplane, and then when you want to go into space, you light the rocket. Bang, zoom, to the Moon Alice! Then it just lands like an airplane. The first recyclable Space Shuttle that will cost under $10M dollars and win the X-Prize!
Either that or go the [link|http://www.jumptheshark.com/s/salvagei.htm|"Salvage 1"] route and built it out of Junk parts.
"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."