Post #2,788
7/25/01 11:20:50 AM
Answer and assent
Not permanent cookie logins. The login session is maintained by a cookie, with fallback to Basic Auth if that doesn't work. Some clients don't work with Basic Auth (later builds of Mozilla and IE 5.X), hence the cookie.
I'll add the change diff to the TODO list. This may very well be the last Zope version, BTW.
-scott anderson
Post #2,790
7/25/01 12:14:08 PM
Implication and accusation.
This may very well be the last Zope version, BTW.
You're just trying to embarrass IW and Ezboard, aren't you?
Post #2,793
7/25/01 12:24:29 PM
Heh. I said the same thing!
My pid is Inigo Montoya. You "killed -9" my parent process. Prepare to vi.
Post #2,796
7/25/01 12:40:30 PM
"Trying" implies...
... that one needs to try to embarrass them.
Assuredly, I am not trying at all. ;-)
-scott anderson
Post #2,800
7/25/01 1:11:03 PM
Acknowledgement and gratitude
This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Post #3,134
7/30/01 8:23:53 PM
And what's the next quickfire version in?
Just curious. Perl? Python? Something more esoteric?
(jeez, someone so cocky he'll rewrite the stuff in a new language.... Infoworld and EZ must be rolling in their graves. Oooops, I forgot, they aren't in graves yet.)
French Zombies are zapping me with lasers!
Post #3,135
7/30/01 8:51:53 PM
-scott anderson
Post #3,240
7/31/01 12:36:38 PM
Cool, I can finally see how you're doing it and (hopefully) offer some help.
This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Post #3,261
7/31/01 1:56:00 PM
Don't get TOO excited.
I was doing it as an example for a job prospect.
I really don't like PHP. :-)
I'll probably do the next version after that in Webkit. I was kicking around the idea of having versions in multiple languages all running against the same database.
Why? Because I can. :-)
-scott anderson
Post #3,264
7/31/01 2:01:26 PM
Hey, did I say I cared *why* you did it?
I just care that you're going to do the heavy lifting to get it running, then I can tweak it however I like.
Why? Because I can, too.
This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Post #3,265
7/31/01 2:02:14 PM
Heh heh heh.
-scott anderson
Post #3,327
7/31/01 10:01:53 PM
Why? Because I can. :-) Why do images of circles and rectangles come to mind? And when can we see the SED and AWK versions? :-)
Post #3,339
7/31/01 10:41:46 PM
Don't tempt me.
I haven't got that kind of time. :-)
-scott anderson