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New sux to be the "man"
Instead of being with my family for the one night a week I am home I sit in front of a monitor at 8pm waiting for a tech in taiwan to get into work and hoping I can leave by midnight to get some sleep so I can do some work with the UK in the early AM before they leave work getting everyone tucked away by feb 15th so I can go back on unemployment. Thank goodness I get paid by the hr.
"If you're half-evil, nothing soothes you more than to think the person you are opposed to is totally evil."
Norman Mailer
New I know how you feel, man.
Being away from the family is bad. But, after the 15th, you will say "Well, it was the pits a week ago, but at least I picked up a few coins."

"Of course, you realize this means war." -B. Bunny
New My father had to do that in the eighties
when AT&T was breaking up. He worked for Western Electric, but they kept moving him to different offices to train people. They forced him into early retirement instead of laying him off. He went to New York, Dallas, and other places I can't think of just yet. He worked in the office and lived out of a hotel or apartment. Then he got forced into early retirement. But got a lot of stock in the Baby Bells when AT&T got broken up. Over the years he sold his stock in the ones that didn't do too well, and kept his stock in the ones that did do well. But then he lost a lot of money in the technology bust, but still should have some left, I hope?

"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."
     sux to be the "man" - (boxley) - (2)
         I know how you feel, man. - (a6l6e6x)
         My father had to do that in the eighties - (nking)

It’s merely anecdotal, but someone who can severely misconstrue the meaning of “Green Eggs and Ham” has no business being considered smart.
78 ms