And you continue to ignore the other areas of the convention dealing with individuals who do not qualify as regular military (uniforms...carrying arms openly).Again, your binary mind cannot cope with multiple options for single classification. That is your problem, not mine.
And it has specific limitations to those who directly pose a threat to the security of the captors.I never said it didn't.
"Treatment according to the present convention" and "treatment as Prisoners of War" are not the matter how hard you try to make it so.And now I am allowing you !ONCE AGAIN! the opportunity to DETAIL what rights that would be granted to POW's will be REFUSED to these "illegal combatants" and what article/section provides that justification.
I'm going to bet that you will go off on some tangent about them being released after the war (we all know that won't happen) or them being security risks(duh! they're the enemy).