work like shit. It's that they were *designed* to work like shit. C'mon, it's Diebold. They make ATMs. They know how to make a secure, accurate machine. I don't doubt that some few of these machines could have been compromised. I'm not really convinced that any were but I don't rule it out. The problem I see is that since they have such a terrible rep, and if they continue being used, then temptation will strike. It is already known that the recorded vote tallys can be changed on many of these machines without trace. Someone in a tight race will try to pay/pressure someone with access to do this.
How about we remove the temptation? Paper ballots, fill in the circle.
Scantron works.
And gosh, you can actually perform a recount. You can even remove the scantron scoring machine and have actual individuals examine each ballot to insure it isn't being read in error.
this shit pisses me off.