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New Why do that?
The ladies doing the surveys are always nice, and it's not their fault the outfit paying for the survey is a bunch of criminals, they're just trying to do their job, and are appreciative that someone is willing to do the survey.

I tend to get them early and give them a bit of much needed training, background and pronunciation help (a couple surveys I've answered I was obviously (and admitedly) the first respondant).

The survey questions give me a real good idea what's bothering the outfit paying for the survey and what they're up to.

Besides, surveys can be fun, and sometimes profitable (I won the drawing for $500 on one of them, and some send checks or boxes of chocolates (though I don't expect that from Microsoft - Billy sez, "a dollar saved is a dollar for me")).

A few years back I was in a focus group ($125) helping Microsoft decide on a name and price range for Visual Studio. That was fun for me, but not for the poor survey people. Most of the participants were very vocal that they didn't care what the name was or what the price was, they didn't trust Microsoft and wouldn't use the product.

Another focus group ($125) was for that outfit that went broke trying to sell expensive service contracts along with Postgre SQL. We let them know the plan would fly like a lead balloon, but they just wasted their money. They released the product as prsented two or three weeks after the focus group, so they probably never even read the results. RIP.

New Where do you GET those groups?
Never got any money from a focus group in my life.
Most of the work of government does not need to be done.
New Ah. Different sort of survey.
I got the impression it was akin to a telemarketing survey. We get those occasionally in the evening. I always ask right out what they're selling or who they're surveying for. Surveyors also get asked if they will pay me to do the survey since they're getting paid.

Still, I'd like to know upfront that it was a Microsoft-sponsored survey, if those asking know (telemarketers don't always know who they're surveying for, BTW).


"All around me are nothing but fakes
Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"

     Microsoft survey - (Andrew Grygus) - (8)
         Re: Microsoft survey - (Steve Lowe) - (2)
             Make perception so, then it'll have to behave so? - (CRConrad)
             Sounds like - (imric)
         Why didn't you blow them off? - (static) - (4)
             No, no, no! - (Silverlock)
             Why do that? - (Andrew Grygus) - (2)
                 Where do you GET those groups? - (wharris2)
                 Ah. Different sort of survey. - (static)

The third one burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp.
113 ms