Get thee to a nunnery, Brenda! (or have a small conversation with your retinal gluons)
You don't Have to agree with me on this; but if you know what's good for you . . .
I've talked to my optometrist a lot about this, and darker background screens with pastel text colors tend to give me a headache. We didn't know if it was from eye-strain, or just the color, but it almost always happens. The only exception was the DOS mode, where large bright letters were on black, but that was all and I only edited in VI there, I didn't read.
He also thought it might be in part to the fact that I often sit online into the wee hours with most of the room dark and then the only bright area is the computer screen, so having the computer screen dark is hard at those times. And even in the daytime, I rarely have the blinds open (one, my bird is loose most of the time), so it's dim in here other than artificial lighting.
I like the shades of light grey and pastel cool colors like blues, greens, purples, etc., with black on that for the most part. Bright yellow backgrounds make me want to run screaming from the room, as do orange and reds.I've coped with some of the garish color schemes chosen by others in Yahoo groups, but I can only do it for a short time, so none othe ones I actually run are color schemed like that.
But I think it's a great idea to have the option available for others, and I agree that Peter is doing something really constructive for IWT. :)

Edited by
Jan. 3, 2007, 04:03:50 PM EST
For me, yes
Get thee to a nunnery, Brenda! (or have a small conversation with your retinal gluons)
You don't Have to agree with me on this; but if you know what's good for you . . .
I've talked to my optometrist a lot about this, and darker screens with pastel colors tend to give me a headache. We didn't know if it was from eye-strain, or just the color, but it almost always happens.
He also thought it might be in part to the fact that I often sit online into the wee hours with most of the room dark and then the only bright area is the computer screen, so having the computer screen dark is hard at those times. And even in the daytime, I rarely have the blinds open (one, my bird is loose most of the time), so it's dim in here other than artificial lighting.
I like the shades of light grey and pastel cool colors like blues, greens, purples, etc., with black on that for the most part. Bright yellow backgrounds make me want to run screaming from the room, as do orange and reds.I've coped with some of the garish color schemes chosen by others in Yahoo groups, but I can only do it for a short time, so none othe ones I actually run are color schemed like that.
But I think it's a great idea to have the option available for others, and I agree that Peter is doing something really constructive for IWT. :)
"When you take charge of your life, there is no longer need to ask permission of other people or society at large. When you ask permission, you give someone veto power over your life." -- By Geoffrey F. Abert
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind, don't matter - and those who matter, don't mind." -- By Dr. Seuss
"Sometimes it takes a whole lot more strength to walk away than to stand there and fight." -- By the character of John Abbott: said on Young & Restless on 5/19/06