Until they are CLASSIFIED as something OTHER than POW's, they are to be treated as POW's.
"Illegal combatants" is NOT a term used in the G.C.
Therefore, they are NOT classified under the G.C.
Therefore, they will be treated as POW's.
In order to get the additional priviledges granted to POWs...you must be classified as a POW.
So you KEEP claiming.
But no matter how many times you say it, it just is not true.
If there's ANY question as to their classification, they will be treated as POW's.
This is very clearly spelled out in Section 5.
Since "illegal combatants" is NOT a term used in the G.C., there is a question as to their classification.
Therefore, they are to be treated as POW's.
Feel free to learn how to use a dictionary sometime.