our bodies develop less and less resistance. If your immune system has never seen a particular bug, it won't build any antibodies to it -- by definition, right?
Then the bug comes along, and finds a clear field. All living things are opportunistic [including human beings (-;], so given plenty of food and no guardians, the bug starts reproducing rapidly. Sort of a social version of AIDS; the virus doesn't kill you, its the opportunistic infections caused by not having a healthy immune system. Hyperclean people have healthy immune systems, but they're "couch potatoes" that seldom get exercise.
And strictly a speculation: I think that's why we see more autoimmune diseases (lupus, RA, etc.) nowadays. People's immune systems are so underused that they get bored and start running wild, like pampered teenagers at their first college dorm party.
Moral of this story: cleaning up your house is bad for you :-) and dirt is your friend...