Like I said
I had tried it. Just avoiding meat when I can right now, and eating what I can to help.
I had tried a veggie diet, and at times got so sick that I had to go into the hospital. I had an inflamed colon, it swelled up, if I hadn't gone into the hospital it would have burst. I had tried this for about a year.
Average American (I assume you mean USA citizens? I can't votch for Canadians and Mexicans.) Diet consists manly of junk food, fast food, and food that will bust almost anyone's colon. We are talking serious class action lawsuits against food companies if the average US citizen gets smart enough to join a class-action lawsuit. Tons of grease, fat, etc. Enough to clog/harden arteries, cause heart attacks early in life, damage colons, and other problems.
"Will code Visual BASIC for cash."