[link|http://www.computerworld.com/storyba/0,4125,NAV47_STO68027,00.html| ComputerWorld article]
And here's a great MS quote for you:
Ed Suwanjindar, product manager of the Microsoft mobility group, said the Palm announcement "could be a case of too little, too late."
"Fact is, we built the Pocket PC to deliver more, and Palm is still stuck playing catch-up," said Suwanjindar. "We'll wait to reserve judgment until we see their new OS on devices. That said, it will be interesting to see if they can meet the customer experience bar we've set, since we're still at least 18 months ahead of them on the technology front with Pocket PC 2002."
Any comments from people who have used both products?
What I've heard is that the Palm OS is still much better for the basic PDA stuff, like appointments and address lists. I know I'm happy with my Visor. My friend who has a iPaq still kept his Pam M500 -- and uses it more than the iPaq.