I look after a scenario of similar design, but the key numbers (simultaneous users, total data size) wildly different.
My first thought would a half-dozen load-balanced webservers to get the simultaneous access up at the front. I'd also implement some solid structures in the framework so that anything messy in having multiple web servers is abstracted away and solved once. Also, this would be a good place to do some intelligent short-term caching, including possible things with memcached.
Next I'd be asking more detail about what the data access pattern is like. Significantly, what is the read/write ratio like? And how is the dataspace organised? If the read/write ratio is pretty good, then you could get away with a master database on a big box with several slaves on other equally big boxes. DB abstraction layers can be taught to goto a random slave for reading and still stuff writes to the master. Transactions, if you need them, will have to be thought through.
If the read/write is more like 1:1, then I would look at what LiveJournal have done: partition their data across multiple databases. That way some users hit one database most of the time and others hit another most of the time.
I think this approach could be extended to support a distributed application like you suggest. I think you'd end up with a lot of duplicated data between all instances, though. Creating new entries will be tricky; one trick that I used successfully in a previous job is to devote a part of any uniqueID (like the high half) to a 'instance' number. That ensured that there would be no conflicts when the data was copied or moved. It means you might have to abandon any sequencing the database will do for you, though, but transactions and stored procedures will help.