Well, first off, I'm not aware of any treaty with Japan that says we have to make sure they have affordable oil. If they're attacked, we will help them. But I don't see a yen/barrel inclusion anywhere.

"We *do* currently need oil from the Middle East. Theoretical pipe dreams about living without it aside, it would take years to muster the resources - which yes, we should do, but that's not the here and now."

Nope. It's not. And it NEVER will be UNTIL we start doing it.

Like I said before. For the next 20 years, cut 1/20'th of the influx from them. After 20 years, we will be at zero. Focus on developing alternatives.

We can KEEP saying that it won't work TODAY.

But until we START, the day when we're off their oil will NEVER come. (well, until the oil is gone and we have no alternatives readied)