Any PHP developers in here? I mean apart from me.
I'm after a bit of a reality check. I've got a decent wodge of low-level code I look after at work that is PHP 4. PHP 5 has been out for a little while and my code probably won't work in PHP 5 - it pushes the boundaries of the language and in v5, those boundaries are different shapes. There is also a third-party library that the other web-developers use that also doesn't work in PHP 5. And it's no longer supported.
And I learnt yesterday that PHP 6 is on the horizon...
A PHP 4 to 5 migration would be a lot of work. Where are other people up to? Are you staying on v4 for the foreseeable future? Have you migrated to v5? Are you looking to migrate? I know we will need to go eventually, I'm just trying to get a handle on how soon that could typically be.