In my years of web browsing, I've grown accustomed to verifying most cookies that are dished up. But I've started noticing quite a few that are similar and was wondering if we could perhaps pool our knowledge to come up with a bit of a list.
I'm aware that programs like Spybot S&D would have these types lists. But I'm curious about the harmless ones, and the libraries and services that people use.
Okay, these are the ones I remember so far:
PHPSESSION : session identifier for PHP.
ASP.NET_Sessionid : session identifier for ASP.NET
__utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmv : Urchin Tracking Module (I see these a lot)
sc_id, s_sq, s_sess (probably others) : Omniture (I see these a lot, too) - they own, FWIW
BIGipServer* : BigIP load balancer from F5? (I thought they were a network like Akamai)
CP=null* : no idea, yet I see it a lot
he=lo : also no idea
bblastactivity, bblastvisit (probably others) : some sort of bulletin board software
T3CK : no idea. I see this one a fair bit, too.
MintUnique, Mint* : again, I dunno, but I see it from time to time.
WEBTRENDS_ID : I imagine this is probably WebTrends.
Any others?