I think she's got some USB peripherals that are problematic on Win98. And I don't think 98SE is still on the disk (it was preinstalled and I don't have the CD). But even if it were, she's among the masses that are convinced that anything less than XP is worthless.

I've seriously thought about putting Ubuntu or MEPIS on it, but I know she's hate it even if it did everything she could possibly want.

I'm going to take along TweakUI and a few more things to try to make the speed bearable, but I'm not optimistic that it'll make a difference as far as the speed goes. We'll see.

Trouble is, no matter how I set it up, it's probably going to break shortly thereafter. Even before her stoke, she had a way of breaking PCs. If it gets bad enough with this one, Santa might bring her another machine a little early to save me spending too many hours on it.

I just know that come January she's going to want Vista.... :-/

Thanks. :-)
