Occasionally I try to shake up the little grey cells by reading through material as alien to my psyche as (self-knowledge in a Neocon?) Am thus prepared to be hornswoggled, buried amidst a sea of impenetrable jargon - like, when one looks up 'malloc ()', suspecting it's about 'memory' - and finds there are 1.2 Mhits - well, you Know you don't know shit about C.
While the core of this paper is a few parsecs from my recognition/appreciation vocabulary, I was surprised to discover the amount of (maybe metaphorical) clarity in the presentation, despite an obvious aim to make the description as concise as the Swiss Army Knife of self-accommodating, chameleon-like operations themselves. Why, it's in English!
The little diagram at p.4 is particularly nice, allows lots of inferences about the likely meaning of box contents (Syntax, Semantics, Pragmatics! heh, why it really Is a 'language'.) And.. who'da thunk that a 'UDP' is a quickie, less persnickety kinda TCP packet?
Then there's this gem of concision, something I believe I had already grokked as central to the many Language Warz indulged in by the Brobdignagians:
Accessing obscure or nonstandard facilities is either impossible, inefficient, or profoundly disruptive to the creative process. [!!]
See.. I. get. that: Ex.
Tornado Notes (prior to its morphing into yan complex feeture-filled, however slickly-filled.. monster) - enabled one to leave the present mere-DOS enviro, scribble something before it faded.. and Get Back. Without muss. You MUSTN'T *need* to switch entire jelloware into Sanskrit, in a trice: just to do some sane little thing, next.
This observation also touches on HAL-9000 V the psychotic infinitely punctilious methodology of creating abstraction layers upon abstraction layers.. du. jour. (But don't {forget} a single [;]).
Moving on - amazingly {faking some of the abbr. by context} the busy diagram at p.9 is also ~comprehensible, while educative: a look-up settles any misssing factoid, if an English speaker wanted a closer look.
And p.19, Fig. 11: while tree manipulations (?) aren't in my bag, (seems akin to FIFO --> LIFO?) the clever circle-arrow + symbols + binary sorta really does make this notation self-describing, as advertised.
Maybe will sleuth further anon, since he's so good at clear sentences, eschews those in-crowd ultra-compacted expressions - which always seem to be trying for yet another Density Award.
Whoever Mr. Piumarta be, I certainly hope *he* writes the English- MAN for what is clearly his next escalation: the incorporation of ADA.
et viola!
Pi\ufffda COLADA