Peace through superior firepower!
You want to see how much of a dick we can become? How about we take over your Arabic country and force you to obey our laws? You want freedom, you'll get it in spades! Osama and his goons will be reduced to whimpering simpletons (not far from what they are now) as our troops march on their low-tech country and just plain take over. They cannot even build a missile that can fly straight, and the best weapon they got is some crazy guy with a boxcutter that can hijack a plane and crash it into a building. If the boxcutter guy faced me, I'd put a gat in his mouth and squeeze the trigger. Then hang his body out in front of the Afghan embassy with a warning sign that this will happen to all terrorists. We don't fool around in the US. You mess with us, we will take you to see Allah, and I promise you that it will not be paradise!