You see, in my display, your post seems to be in reply to Scott's.
But you say you're replying to Marlowe?
You say that you're clarifying your post to Marlowe?
By replying to Scott's post?
But Scott's post was in reply to your post that was in reply to Marlowe's post.
Bill (But according to the prior definition...)
Brandioch (this post)
Ummmm, no. You were applying Marlowe's definition to Scott's post.
Especially when your "post" consisted of:
"...none of those kids would survive on a desert island alone..."
"so, to extend, she did nothing wrong at all...just her choice."
Now, your "desert island" phrasing seems to be a paraphrase of Marlowe's:
"If you can survive on a desert island without any help from other human beings, then you have a right to life."
Which just leaves:
"so, to extend, she did nothing wrong at all...just her choice."
As your "clarification" of your original post.
And you think that I'm the one that is confused?