quite long before transistors raised the input of impressions n orders/magnitude at er, Ludicrous speed:
Our consciousness was already spending vastly more of the brain's computing power in instant-rejection of most stimuli -- than on whatever we (thought we) were 'paying attention' to (never mind.. the case with the <1%? who might ever have learned how to pay Attention.)
It's All Hype; remember (?) language was invented that men may disguise their thoughts from each other. So, for this: they get Grants?
(All of which begs the question of whether a one can train the jelloware to handle >>'40' current events -- Test Pilot, anyone?) The hippocampus: don't leave /Home without switching it On :-)
PS somewhat akin:
An academic discussing our 'unconscious decision' process; seeking the/any innate source of moral choices.
Is it OK to kill one person - to save 5?
A) If you pull a lever - the one dies; the others are saved.
~90% said: Yes. Do it.
B) You are on an overpass and a train is coming. If.. you push the one person by you off, in front of approaching train - it will stop, in time to avoid death of the 5.
~90% said: Noooo! Don't.
[The option: should you jump, yourself? - somehow.. didn't seem to come up in this experimenter's mentatiom... wonder why.]
Love. It. - most of the time we do not have the foggiest Why/How! we 'make decisions' - 'course today we have Shrub-duh-Decider to underscore the correctness of this hypothesis, for any skeptics.