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New Open Proclamation to Bin Laden
You were quoted on a interview that your actions will result in the loss of personal freedom and human rights in America, that was your aim. Well this is just one small American with no cult following that sez to you,

Fine, that is what your aim, goal is. You recognise that our freedom is something that you fear, my goal is now to expand those rights and freedoms from my border to yours. Kings of Arabia are no better and should have no more rights than the lowest street sweeper in Saudi, my goal will be to allow every member of your country an equal vote, no more slavery no more imprting guest workers to work at shit jobs and be abused and beheaded at your convenience, you might taunt us but you have shown what you fear, equality, liberty brotherhood. We win by making the royal house of Saud as useless as the Kennedy's something to laugh and gloat over, I meet folks from your way every now and again and I will ensure that I evangalise what you hate, I was a live and let live guy but you tried to fsck me and my country so for that everything you are proud of should be rediculed, prooved wrong and denigrated. May you live to see Saudi Arabia a vassal state of secular Bathe Party,
My Dreams aren't as empty as my conscience seems to be
New Re: Yea - what is there to add ?

Bin Laden rightly questions US citizens freedoms post 9/11, after he initiates through his warped logic, one of history's memorable acts of man-upon-man insanity.

Am in full agreement with the sentiment that challenges Arabs to their freedom - can't keep blaming US for their own oppressive regimes that ferments Bin f****** Ladens.

Say what you want about Jews & Israel & their own extremeists, but it *is* the *only* democracy (under intesely trying conditions) in the middle east.


New Peace through superior firepower!
You want to see how much of a dick we can become? How about we take over your Arabic country and force you to obey our laws? You want freedom, you'll get it in spades! Osama and his goons will be reduced to whimpering simpletons (not far from what they are now) as our troops march on their low-tech country and just plain take over. They cannot even build a missile that can fly straight, and the best weapon they got is some crazy guy with a boxcutter that can hijack a plane and crash it into a building. If the boxcutter guy faced me, I'd put a gat in his mouth and squeeze the trigger. Then hang his body out in front of the Afghan embassy with a warning sign that this will happen to all terrorists. We don't fool around in the US. You mess with us, we will take you to see Allah, and I promise you that it will not be paradise!
New Not far enough
If you don't ask, you don't get:

(1) We want freedom of religion in all Muslim countries. No more outlawing Christianity, Judism, Ba'hai-ism, or any other religion. You want freedom of religion in the West, then fair is fair.

(2) We want minority rights respected in all Muslim countries. No more ugly incidents like the Muslims in Indonesian going after the Chinese ethnic minority. We expect full enforcement.

(3) We want full separation between Mosque and State. No more state sponsored religion and no more using Saudi government funds to prostelytize in foreign nations.

(4) We want full recognition of Israel forevermore. Give us that and we'll force the Israelis back to defensible borders...which might not be 1967 borders but they will be defensible. And you already have Mecca, you won't be needing Jerusalem. We will in return support a Palastinian state...but it will have to be a democratic state. As an alternative, you can kick the rich boys out of Kuwait to live with their Arab brothers in Saudi-land, and move the Palastinians there...but it will have to be a democratic state.

(5) We want a fully independent press in all Muslim countries. And no more government sanctioned anti-semitic propaganda.

(6) We would appreciate Muslim countries telling Europe to go to hell at least once a year so we can be sure they aren't toadying up to those weenies.
Gerard Allwein
     Open Proclamation to Bin Laden - (boxley) - (3)
         Re: Yea - what is there to add ? - (dmarker2) - (1)
             Peace through superior firepower! - (Washing Machine Charlie)
         Not far enough - (gtall)

The LRPD wots of things you wot not of.
70 ms