The congressman also raised questions about the need for a Justice Department investigation, noting that the House Ethics Committee looked into his daughter's contracts soon after The Los Angeles Times reported on them in February 2004. He said he has cooperated fully, turning over 150 pages in documents and answering the committee's questions.
Weldon, regarded by some as a foreign policy expert, has clashed at times with the Bush administration. In the last year, he has repeatedly said a secret military unit called "Able Danger" used data- mining to link four Sept. 11 hijackers to al-Qaida more than a year before the attacks. A Pentagon report rejected the idea.
Emphasis added.
Why am I reminded of [link|http://www.freeinfosociety.com/site.php?postnum=543|this]?
LELAND You just don't know Charlie. He thought that by finishing that notice he could show me he was an honest man. He was always trying to prove something. The whole thing about Susie being an opera singer, that was trying to prove something. You know what the headline was the day before the election, "Candidate Kane found in love nest with quote, singer, unquote." He was gonna take the quotes off the singer. Hey, nurse! Five years ago he wrote from that place down in the south, what's it called, Shangri-La? El Dorado? Sloppy Joe's? What was the name of that place? Hum, all right. Xanadu. I knew it all the time. You caught on, didn't you? I just say I'm not as hard to see through as I think. Well, I never even answered his letter. Maybe I should have. I guess he was pretty lonely down there in that coliseum all those years. He hadn't finished it when she left him. He never finished it, he never finished anything except my notice. Of course, he built the joint for her.