ID has been getting a bad rap. In particular, it's getting shot down by the courts, who have actually ruled -- I believe this was the USSC that said this -- that ID is just dressed-up creationism.
So they've got a new term: critical analysis. They're not suggesting that anyone teach anything in particular, just teach the kids to critically analyze -- IOW question and doubt -- the evolution they've just been taught.
In the absence of any history, and if we didn't know who was pushing this and what their agenda has been for several decades, what they're saying would make sense. We should always want people to "critically analyze" science. That's how science progresses.
But the people pushing this are the same ones who wrote textbooks about creationism then, when that got shot down, did a global search-and-replace to change "crationism" to "intelligent design" (No, I'm not exaggerating) and put them back in schools.
And of course there's the fact that despite saying that all science should be questioned -- err, I mean "critically analyzed" -- they only seem to make an issue of it when it comes to evolution.