Indeed, the militant a-Theist pretends to Gnosticism; becomes equally, the bastard son of Certainty.

As to the 'spiritual' -- undemonstrable as any such an experience would be, beyond the experiencer's jelloware: I note that most non-fulminating assessments of corporate theology (ie. of all organized groups with fav manuals, hierarchy, garb and rituals) - tend to point out that there are many churchly habits that militate against ever experiencing the spiritual - in favor of the adsorption of the Authoritative.

Allegiance to the org. substitutes for experience of the [__].
Only homo-sap could contrive a Living Oxymoron!

No wonder.. it is so rare when anything potentially useful ever gets said, in the usual clashes within the World of Opposites ' ignorant armies clash by night.'

(At least the ~'agnostic' never pretends to Certainty: a concept which may be prominent on the epitaph of the radioactive ruins, if a dying stonemason has the energy to chisel anything much, after RIP.)