In the final analysis ... everything else.
Dunno how widely (more to point: accurately) disseminated are the many tiny but crucial details of the implosion bomb. As of '06. Indeed, Hansen's coffee-table tome, US Nuclear Weapons displays photos of complete weapons, including those cute dunce-cap shaped, compact passengers on all those MIRVs {a techno which LLL essentially forced on the world/USSR completely gratuitously == assuring that most-lethal phase of the arms race - a book length dastardly deed, that.}
Unfortunately too, IMhO Hansen's book is entirely Too-fact-filled as regards the vast complexity of the various forms of Supers; the neat diagrams of the stages of the FFF (fission-fusion-fission) process -- I deem a real disservice to living things..
Because always: what every jackal or psychotic Really wants is the unlimited yield of a Super. Never mind how bulky ... the now insatiable demand for Stuff guarantees the continuing free-flow of all those container$. No matter what.
While most of those supercomputer hours were about improving, shrinking etc. I don't think there is anything easy about the implosion lens. Still, merely having a good hint of the idea of laminating various HE substances - is indeed a start. But remember how crude were the first studies at Los Alamos: trying merely (via "one fewer dimension") to neatly crimp test piece of metal pipe. (That was Kistiakowski's enigma.)
Hard to do a dry run on implosion, when everything is first compressed then flung apart - no?
(There was constructed a massive cylinder similar to a diver's decompression tank, hauled to Alamogordo - in the hope that it might serve to preserve the Pu, in event of a dud. It wasn't used; why eschewed? ... never heard.)
Another magical facet is that of the neutron-source initiator, usually a Polonium/Beryllium mixture == a small ball at exact center of the barely-subcritical assembly.
At least with the Pu, you can chemically test for purity - but there are aspects to the reactor configuration which -even there - can favor isotope mixes which are less contributory to an early fizzle. That's a Lot of reactor as well as Pu testing lore .. you can't Google for. Another + for meat.
Finally with the -235 gun-type: not a suitable trigger for making your own Super, later. And if you rush; if you try a lower than optimum %235 ... etc. Then there are the (free) DU or -238 'tampers' to ponder - nothing to lose, tossing in some scrap to accelerate the inferno. Especially if it doesn't need to be miniaturized for Efficiency.
Splendid physics for a most unsplendid coterie of mass assassins, no?
May the experimenters join Louis Slotin, the crew of the [link|| SL-1], pinned to the roof by their control rods, et al -- reel soon now.
Areas of comfort? - well, I'm not aware of any info on the size/deliverability of the Pakistani, Indian devices; we can be sure though, that the (400+?) Israeli specimens are indeed deliverable. Still.. guess who's apt to be the first recipient of incoming?
Oh wait - Muricans, just 5 years after all that empathy -- may well be on the exact shit-list level of Jews, now. (I can't guess either.)
Maybe we'll all luck in, just by a zealot's sloth in the pesky details? :-)
Bloody likelier than that that we'll all wise up.