I can see your underwear.
My infrared sensors detect your Maidenform bra. And the fact that you stuff.
Whine as much as you like about my binary technology. It works. Sorry you must grope your way through such a blurry world, but you could buy glasses or something. That is, if you're willing to use such rapacious arrogant Western technology. Reality is messy, but blurry vision only makes it harder to deal with.
Better to adjust the focus than to curse the blurriness. But better to curse the blurriness than to cast aspersions on those of us who can see better.
Got a problem with binary? You won't go far in a high tech world with that attitude. There's only so many jobs for engineers who'll only work with analog circuitry, and fewer still for those who also get all defensive about reality and other negative feedback loops. And rightly so. Digital just works better, and binary is the foundation of digital. Yes, those old vacuum tubes and vinyl records have a "warm" sound, but it's just low order distortion.
Sometimes "tolerance" is just a word for not dealing with things.