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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New And the beat goes on.. "Thanks for playing!"_____All Hail!
For those seeking an Object of Focus to stand-in for the entire Enchilada; unwilling to anthropomorphize to a fare-thee-well.. Unwilling to curry for Her favour, nor needing to fawn over She who is unMoved by sycophancy and Who needs-Not to be Obeyed.. For those yet wanting to leap tall metaphors at a single bound -

Herewith the decent, wise, nonvindictive, nonsociopathic, unobtrusive, wry but not cloying, unfathomable without obtuseness.. Omniscient yet Cuddly and ... Ever-Relevant

--------------> Pace pace O Mio \ufffd

And yes: We are.. Each of Us, Worthy.. to lick Her boots.
Neither reign nor sleaze nor Hail can stay us from Her appointed rounds.

Awomen y'all.

Collapse Edited by Missing User 70 Feb. 2, 2002, 02:56:05 PM EST
And the beat goes on.. "Thanks for playing!"_____All Hail!
New She Lives! IWETHEY's Terrible Horde of Eulogistic Yammerers.
A Sign!

A Sign from Orthogonal!

..had Ye the faith of a tiny mustard seed!
Replace thine OS with LRPD
and Suffer No More!
     Just watched Monty Python and The Holy Grail. - (static) - (6)
         ObSentientLRPD - (admin) - (2)
             And the beat goes on.. "Thanks for playing!"_____All Hail! - (Ashton) - (1)
                 She Lives! IWETHEY's Terrible Horde of Eulogistic Yammerers. - (Ashton)
         never mind that Son, - (boxley)
         Coconuts - (tuberculosis) - (1)
             They even intermarry: cocopabanana blaps (interspecies!) -NT - (Ashton)

Hence these societies employ their own versions of summary judgment and Rule 11 of the aforementioned Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
183 ms