The company in question was Bristol-Myers Squibb, so drugs would be appropriate.
More seriously, the guy was just a jackass in middle management who hadn't been fired only because he kept his lips glued to the right asshole above him. That asshole belonged to a fairly competent person, so the f*ckwit had managed to follow it surprisingly high up the hierarchy despite a notable lack of any accomplishments.
I was just unlucky enough to be consultant there. After complaining to my internal manager and the owner of the company didn't get any result, I figured that it wasn't worth it. A consultant for a rival consulting company had a friend leaving a company in NYC because he couldn't take the commute, and even though I understood the political BS trick she was using, I took the opportunity and ran with it.
I don't care what you can get paid for being willing to work in that kind of environment, it isn't worth it. (I was offered a job elsewhere in BMS and wouldn't take it.)