Bit of a kerfuffle to get it installed. Sorry if this all sounds like a whinge.
My old Safari (1.0.3) on my iBook didn't like their webpage, so I had to use IE...which more or less worked. Except it downloaded the dmg file as redir.php. I love IE :)
So I set the Mini up in Firewire target disk mode, to get applejack installed on it. The applejack installer refused to believe the Mini was running OS X, so I installed it on the iBook instead, and just copied the to the Mini.
I might send a friendly note to the applejack developers asking why one shell script needs it's own dmg. Seems a bit like overkill to me.
Anyway, it's currently running along merrily on the Mini so let's see what happens.
Thanks Scott!
Other irrelevant points about my iBook:
(a) Now I know why I haven't chucked it out yet!
(b) It's very slow compared to my Mac Mini, and the Mini is no speed demon
(c) It's still on 10.3 - I never noticed at the time, but now, the pinstriping on everything is actually kinda annoying.