Ya beatmetuit.. but... FRISCO - !! - Yeegawds
There's a FRISCO somewhere near Dallas !?!
Local Puritans mocking San Francisco, perhaps?
(There's always an envy-component in any formal censure)
So then, in that neck of the woods: shouldn't Ashcroft be retroactively fired - for exposing the cheeldrun to bronze boobs on National Tee Vee ??
Just when you think things can't get much sillier.. in the Deep Souf (or the Icy-Ohio North): "Dirty-nasty-naked-Bodies" -- YP(Texas)B
No mystery why Muricans remain forever frozen at the level of the curious 11 yo, and instead of a healthy eroticism - choose ugly rape-porn and other sublimation: opt for an MBA, a lifetime of neckties.. and the cutting off of any remaining blood supply to the jelloware.
Ergo: Necro-Cheney/Ashcroft-osis ensues. cha cha
This is deadly-funny!