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New Anyone used speakeasy.net?

I'm thinking of finally making the leap from dialup to DSL, and am considering using speakeasy.net as my DSL provider. Has anyone used them, or heard any stories about them?
New Re: Anyone used speakeasy.net?
Actually, I was looking at DSL at home before I got my cable modem and I believe I was looking at speakeasy, though I forget any details.

Check out:


They've got a large area where people report pro's/con's, and they have a ton of other research material, as well.


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New Yup
I had Speakeasy as an ISP and Covad as DSL provider before I moved. I never had any problems with either company, except the install tech put a wrong IP address in the router which was quickly resolved on a phone call.

The cool thing about speakeasy is that they let you run servers :-)
New I've heard good things about them here in Seattle...
IIRC, they got their start here. Unix based, and fairly decent.
New Re: Anyone used speakeasy.net?
Thanks for the advice, guys! I had seen dslreports, and saw that they were well-regarded, but wanted to solicit some advice from you guys before taking the plunge.
     Anyone used speakeasy.net? - (neelk) - (4)
         Re: Anyone used speakeasy.net? - (jlalexander)
         Yup - (Steve Lowe)
         I've heard good things about them here in Seattle... - (inthane-chan)
         Re: Anyone used speakeasy.net? - (neelk)

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