Story Section
Flair came out with tears in his eyes and said he would sell. LL cool jay and rebbeca stanos came for a few beers with the APA after all the matches vince pulled the old contract in the ring signing routine and spent a couple of minutes making flair seem small. As Flair got 1/2 thru the Ric stone cold came out, whatted vince for a while and stunned him, had a beer with rick and left. Also regal hid his knucks in the back of keeblers shorts, after digging them out King asked if he could smell his fingers.
Sporting section
RVD paired with Edge vs Dudly boys with Regal at ringside RVD and Edge won
APA vs Test and Harlem Heat guy APA wins
Dead man inc and Kirt Angle vs Rock and HHH HHH pins Angle for the win Agle aftr the match tries to play with HHH ankle
Christian lost his belt to DDP