Mozilla is not what I have the problem with, it is the bloatware called Netscape that I have the problem with. The Evil version of Mozilla that is bloated and has all those evil AOL geegaws added to it.
Other free browser?
[link||Amaya] can browse and publish.
[link||Mnemonic] is still under development.
[link||Lynx] still exists, it still does text only, but it is a web browser.
[link||iCab] is great if you have a Mac.
[link||HotJava] will end in 2003, but it is still available for download.
[link||QWeb] exists for many Unix platforms.
[link||The Web browser archive] still has files that may no longer be available for download on other sites.
[link||Ultrabrowser] is free, as far as I know.
[link||Dillo] is free, small, and fast.
[link||Off by one] weird name, but fast web browser. Too bad it only exists for Windows.
[link||Cheetah] is open sourced and not based on Mozilla.
[link||Grail] written in Python, and open sourced.
[link||XBrowser] runs on Java and is platform independant.
[link||Shogun] is also written in Java, but is still under development.
If I had the free time and money, I'd attempt to write my own browser. :)