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New Coup attempt under way in Thailand, according to CNN.
New Military seems to be in control now
Thailand's military coup leader has pledged to choose a new prime minister within two weeks and return power to the people as soon as possible.

But Gen. Sonthi Boonyaratglin, the head of Thailand's army and the newly declared leader, said Wednesday it could take a year to produce a new constitution leading to a fresh general election, Reuters reported.

The army's control is not 100% yet, but the government seems to have largly abandoned the prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra. Given the problems Thaksin's government had this isn't automatically a disaster, but the military needs to move faster then a year to turn power back over to a civilian government.

New Damn. Scratch one escape hatch for now.

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     Coup attempt under way in Thailand, according to CNN. -NT - (inthane-chan) - (2)
         Military seems to be in control now - (JayMehaffey)
         Damn. Scratch one escape hatch for now. -NT - (tuberculosis)

GPLed, for your pleasure.
31 ms