[link|http://www.avantgo.com|http://www.avantgo.com] lets you download web pages to a PDA. Every morning you could dump a forum or two onto a cheap Palm device and read at your leisure.
When I last played with it with IWeThey there were substantial limitations, but it might stave off the DTs if you're desperate. Of course, you won't be able to reply to posts with this setup.
Avantgo now handles [link|http://avantgo.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/avantgo.cfg/php/enduser/std_alp.php?p_sid=j3CopTRh&p_lva=&p_li=&p_page=1&p_prod_lvl1=&p_prod_lvl2=&p_cat_lvl1=&p_search_text=RSS&p_new_search=1&p_search_type=search_fnl|RSS feeds] as well, so if/when the new IWeThey software can do that with the forums we'll probably have more options.
(Who has recently started playing with Avantgo again on his [link|http://www.samsung.com/Products/MobilePhones/Sprint/SPH_I500SSXAR.asp|Samsung i500].)