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New Hey
My spelling is bad enough, don't quote it wrong.

New Don't misconstrue a fatfinger as a misquote...
(Isn't there a corrollary of Occam's Gillette in there somewhere?)
"So don't pay attention to the approval ratings that say 68% of Americans disapprove of the job this man is doing. I ask you this, does that not also logically mean that 68% approve of the job he's not doing? Think about it. I haven't."
Stephen Colbert, at the White House Correspondent's Dinner 29Apr06
     2 US citizen barred from reentry - (JayMehaffey) - (4)
         not quite correct - (boxley)
         "terribly bad ides[s]" here? In the USofA?!? WDYHASM? -NT - (jb4) - (2)
             Hey - (JayMehaffey) - (1)
                 Don't misconstrue a fatfinger as a misquote... - (jb4)

Thothe boilth you have on your fathe are jutht in-THANE!
31 ms