O'Neill's and Evans's admission that they "did nothing" when Enron told them of the company's shell game and impending collapse is reason enough for you and yours to hit the Beltway and never return to that sacred trust we call Our American Government. They are proud of "doing nothing?" By doing nothing, millions of Americans have been swindled. Tens of thousands have lost their jobs. Thousands more have lost their savings and their retirement. Yet your cabinet secretaries gloat over what a "good job" you and they did by "doing nothing."
Now, close your eyes and visualize -- an Alternate Universe in which good ol' Kenny Boy didn't get cheated; where Enron (and its stockholders) didn't get cheated on buying cut-rate politicians; where George and all the others said, "why sure, Kenny, have some cash to tide you over."
Why, Ashton alone would have more to say about that than Mikey Baby, and what good ol' Mikey would have to say would blister paint, don't you think?
As for the rest of it, it boils down to the modern mantra of political untouchableness: anybody who knows anything about the subject can make a living working in the field -- and is thereby absolutely disqualified from having any governmental influence in the field, forever. Dumth is required as a condition of holding a regulatory position. Rad, man.