though evolution is supposed.. to take a bit longer than this? Hmmm.

As with the Neoconmens' political slogans, rewarmed and many verbatim from the '50s.. those kiddies - now "boomers \ufffd" assuredly retain the invectives as perfectly as do my little grey cells. Kids remember the venom with which a label like say, kike was hurled by putative adults - forever.

Folks may have ceased using them overtly for a time, following Bull Connor and his dogs / Freedom Marches and the like ... and during that happy-talk Great Society mini-phase. But all it takes to revive them, good-as-New - is a fairly brief period of demagoguery, a few Ann Coulters bringing in the ad $ for her sponsors - et Viola!

Suddenly it's lynch time patter creeping into the good 'Ol Boys n'Girls homey chinwags at the BBQ. Them Bible folk love homilies they can read and fergit - like, "as ye Sow".

I expect the Reaper is waiting in the wings, for Part II of that one. Seems fitting.
More feel-good laws? - laughable.
(I like to fancy that everyone has a Portrait (of Dorian Gray) in their virtual-attic.)