Cool! That means that the welfare queens can have all the cadilacs they want without having any impact on the rest of us!
Seriously, that's some goofy rhetoric. Life isn't entirely a zero sum game, but the more X I consume, the less X there is for you, for most values of X. Obviously, health isn't one of those values of X. And neither is overall prosperity, within certain parameters and measured correctly. If wealth is not distributed efficiently (is there any doubt that Microsoft's monopolistic practices damage the software industry?) or measured clumsily (market share is always zero sum)then there are problems, but there is a reason why health is used as a metaphor for economic conditions.
Economics is partly zero sum and partly not. The size of the pie is not constant, but to refer to looking at the zero sum parts as "primitive black magic" does not lead to deeper understanding of the truth. Overconsumption does lead to shortages, and to inefficiencies.
But overconsumption of resources is not why these particular people hate us anyway. They don't hate us out of envy, they hate us out of pride. They know The Way It Ought To Be and that doesn't include scum like us. They'd hate us if we were penniless gypsies, if we still defended Israel effectively and had a presence in Saudi Arabia and a culture more attractive to their fellows than theirs is.