But only after enough take the 12-step course beyond that comfy level, denial. Meanwhile we shall indulge our fav econo-fantasies, elide from our mentation the concept of exponential (That's the way to deal with scary things that go bump in the night!)
And order another HumVee (the wanna-be UAV version) with the white rhino-skin seats and the Bose stereo - so we don't have to hear the sounds of the things squashed by the (optional with A/C) caterpillar treads.
As mentioned above: justifying the horrendous side effects of billions n'billions of cattle as "a marvelous source of protein" is ~ like our other pseudo-economic theories for the maintenenance of bizness as usual: Hey! next quarter's gonna be Great. Who cares about quarter III - until quarter II?
We could fix lots, IMhO - but I doubt we'll begin to try until likely, we will have missed all the windows of opportunity. It's just 'US' - and I Gotta be Me(-Me-Me).
Better get started on that boffin-clone farm - to Keep The Good Things Flowing (like ketchup.. ketchup.. if'n ya ever catch Garrison Keillor & Co. ?) Hey I know! Pay 'em with stock options. There - all fixed.
What, me worry?
Won't happen on My shift!
Oops - time to turn the Ocelot on the Bar-B-Q