Last night on Charlie Rose (PBS)
Ex-Ambassador Richard Holbrooke (on site) and by video: Wm. Kristol
It was fascinating (~like noticing one's own onset of nausea?) to see Kristol's perpetual fixed-in-urethane wide smirk - the rest of the face set in concrete - confront every detailed rebuttal of his litany,
"I'm not convinced..
I think there's still a chance..
maybe after 3 months or 6, we can conclude that ..."
cha cha cha
And every time Holbrooke made a particuarly stark deduction (or reminded of a K. previous propaganda piece counter to that reasoning, often in the Face of it) Kristol would trot out ... Phrase #2,
"I've always believed that ..."
essentially agreeing but invoking boilerplate-paste, "I'm not convinced.."
(What... a NeoCONman not CONvinced !?!)
It is to laugh, if one can step aside momentarily from the stark probability that, No One seems capable of finding a procedure for jailing any (or even one) of the cabal, anytime before 1/2009.
Certainly I hope that these probabilities contain a loophole; slo-mo train wrecks are riveting, but only for the first two or three. Can one become bored with disintegration.. beyond some critical mass?
Family values in action. It's nice to know that the president sticks to his core values. How many more days until [link|| January 2009?]