The US Dollar is stronger than their unit of currency, and they see themselves exploted by US Corps and the US Military has been on their holy land and they see it as a violation of their religion. So they strike at us from any means they can. If that means that Habib and Ackbar have to turn themselves into human bombs, or hijack airplanes and crash them into buildings, then that is what they will do.
What does this mean to us? The majority of the world hates us because of US policy, US military might, US Corps exploiting them, the US Dollar being stronger than their unit of currency, etc. They see us as "The Great Satan" or "Yankee Bozos" that must be gotten rid of. To them, we are the enemy. They cannot see that it is not the US people doing this stuff to them, but US Corps, US Military, the US Government, etc. But Osama said that any US Citizen is a target to his people. Which means that they are not only crazy, but totally bigoted towards us. They must be igoring all the good we did, like send their people money, food, and supplies, and helping them fight off the Russian armies and other things.
The solution may be simple, just cut off the aid and help to any country that is helping out terrorists. Don't forgive them their loans, and don't help them anymore until they change their ways. Embargo them, drop support, and refuse to deal with them anymore until they change. Otherwise countries will get the idea that if they help terrorists, that they will eventually get US aid, be forgiven their loans, etc. Sort of like that "The mouse that roared" movie with Peter Sellers. Declair war on the US, lose, and then ask for Richfare.