Of course, I actually *agree* with them, some.

while ignoring the greater suffering contained in buckets of chicken wings or fish sticks that they "harvest" at the drive-thru and haul home from the meat counter.

Many people do. Many people have no problem lamblasting me for hunting, while chomping down on a burger.

I wouldn't *beware* people from those pictures, I'd encourage them to look at the pictures.

A large problem with our culture has been the "plausible deniablity" that we've insulated ourselves with. Meat comes in styrofoam and plastic. Vegetables are bug-free, and as PETA implies don't cause harm to animals. [1]

"Its not my fault, I'm just the consumer".

Having said that, PETA is rather famous for having their head stuck places and ignoring the facts/science, in favor of "what they feel". Rather forgetting that the world isn't a *very nice place* without all our technology (and sometimes with it).


[1] The current vegetable farms spray tons of fertilizer, pesticides, and asst. chemicals into the local environment, distorting the local environment, as well as plowing under the environment in favor of the food in question. Habitat for some animals is drastically decreased, others thrive on the new ecology, changing the whole working of the local environment. Harvesting, plowing, mowing, etc, of the fields causes the deaths of a LOT of animals (hundreds of rabbit carcasses in a few-hundred acre field isn't unusual during harvest) [2]

[2] Nope, nothing's simple.