How we can help
\ufffd The Salvation Army is collecting donations of clothing and supplies. It reports that the greatest needs are for clothing for men, women and children from babies to teens; baby diapers, bottles, formula and wipes; and blankets, towels and sheets. Updated lists of needs are available online at www.salvationarmy.org/alaska.
\ufffd The American Red Cross is accepting monetary donations at its Alaska headquarters, 235 E. 8th Ave., Anchorage 99501. Call 646-5401 in Anchorage or toll-free at 888-345-4376. You can specify on your check that the donation is for Hooper Bay. Online donations can be made at alaska.redcross.org.
\ufffd Wells Fargo Bank has opened a special account for donations that will be used or distributed by the Bethel-based Association of Village Council Presidents. People can come to any branch and ask to donate to the Hooper Bay Fire Disaster Relief Fund. The bank's Bethel branch is also accepting canned goods, household items and clothing.
\ufffd The Coastal Villages Region Fund, a community economic development organization, is seeking donations and supplies. Call the CVRF at 278-5151 in Anchorage or toll-free at 1-888-795-5151.
[link|http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Amy%20Rathman|Pics of the Family]