Which analisys method was used?
Frequency analysis (far to little to do this)
Kasiski examination (lookup Vigen\ufffdre cipher)
Index of coincidence (there are not 2 known exact messages with different ciphers)
Mutual Index of coincidence (again this wouldn't work, not enough material and the Vigen\ufffdre cipher is based on this ideal)
Differential cryptanalysis (not long enough to develop a system around)
Linear cryptanalysis (you need to be able to match 8,796,093,022,208 ciphers against it, to much work)
Integral cryptanalysis (simply stated as a dual differential system, therefore not near enough there)
Statistical cryptanalysis (Basically this would be a last ditch effort to finger the cipher)
Modulo-n cryptanalysis (looks for uneveness in block and stream ciphers over occurance length)
partitioning cryptanalysis (uses linear and a series of blocks partitioned into, using last block reference)
XSL attack (analysis of block ciphers with overdefined systems of equations)
Slide attack (used against multiple weak ciphers being used jointly, one after another in rotation (or sliding) first told by Biryukov and Wagner
Other methods:
Brute force attack (if you can't solve it, you haven't used enough)
Gardening (no not regarding plants)
So, come on... which one did you use?
Of course, I know, you know that I know, you know what I am really asking... right?
I know; shut up Greg.
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry|REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @
iwetheyFreedom is not FREE.
Yeah, but 10s of Trillions of US Dollars?
SELECT * FROM scog WHERE ethics > 0;
0 rows returned.