This isn't just a matter of a couple of kids.
The whole damned family has the same kinds of issues, over and over again. Talking about the substance abuse problems of the Bushes is like talking about Kennedys and alcohol abuse. It isn't just one or two black sheep. It is something that has become an ongoing problem.
Part and parcel of this, of course, is the very legitimate public policy question of whether this kind of person is what we want to have running our country. Let us not get into the hypocrisy of having them in charge of the War On Drugs. If they get anything better than the treatment that homeless blacks in NYC get when charged with the same crime, that should be a scandal. Heck, I never understood why it wasn't more of a scandal that Bush was in elected office when he should (according to the laws that his father was supposedly was in charge of enforcing) have been still in jail.
I may not agree with those laws myself, but the question of whether our government leaders apply their own damned laws to themselves is an issue. The question of whether or not we believe that our president is using drugs is also an issue. (I, for one, am highly skeptical that he is really clean.)
Now if we were merely talking someone in the public eye, then I would agree with you. But as long as there are public policy questions tied up with how the laws are enforced against the President's extended family, there really is something that I think the press should report.